Join our Citizens' Panel

Closes 26 Mar 2026

Thank you for your interest in joining

In order to register your interest for the Voice of Warwickshire panel we need your name and contact details.

Panel members need to live in Warwickshire and be aged 18 on or before 1st April 2024. If you are under 18 please email for more information about how you can get involved in other ways.

We will also ask some additional questions about you to make sure the group represents all Warwickshire residents and to help analyse feedback. You don’t have to give us this additional information. 

We will collect and store your information securely and confidentially and will only use it to recruit and manage this group. We will delete it within two years and we won't share it unless required to by law or to prevent risk of harm.

The full Privacy Notice can be read below and is also available on our website by clicking on this link.

Related information

Purpose for processing 

To recruit interested local residents to be part of the Voice of Warwickshire Residents Group which will help to inform council-wide improvements and to create safer and stronger communities within Warwickshire. 

Personal information collected and lawful basis 

We process personal and sensitive information as part of our statutory function to engage with our communities. 

We will use Citizen Space to collect the sign-up information which will include: 

Full Name; Address; Postcode, Telephone numbers; Email address; IP address (your computer or device’s identifier) 

We will also aim to collect the following sensitive information in order to ensure the group representatively reflects everyone who lives in Warwickshire: age, gender, ethnicity, long term health conditions, employment status, household type and if people are employees of Warwickshire County Council or elected representatives of any council.  

We may also ask for optional information on religion, sexual orientation, caring responsibilities, previous military service and membership of interest groups. You do not have to give us this information. 

We may use your information  to analyse your feedback against your personal characteristics, such as  age. All analysed data will be pseudonymous and will not be associated or cross referenced with your name or contact details in any way.  

The only exception to this is when safeguarding concerns are identified. In the event of any potential safeguarding issues being identified, WCC will try to contact the individual concerned and, where deemed necessary, other parties in order to take appropriate action in accordance with our statutory safeguarding duties. 

Who we may share your information with 

Delib are the providers of the Citizen Space, the software we use to manage this process.  Delib’s privacy policy explains how Delib will collect, safeguard and process your information on behalf of Warwickshire County Council. 

Your information will only be used for the purposes of recruiting representative individuals to the pilot and for managing the group during this pilot.  

Information will only ever be shared when it is strictly necessary to help us provide effective services or to prevent the risk of harm to an individual. We will not pass it onto any other parties unless required to do so by law or in all reasonable circumstances the disclosure is fair and warranted for the purposes of processing or subject to a legal data protection exemption. Sometimes the law requires that we may have to pass your details on to a third party, for example, to prevent crime. 

How long we will hold your information 

Warwickshire County Council will store the information in Citizen Space securely and erase it within two years of the pilot being completed.   

Please note: all stated retention periods will be subject to any legal holds imposed under the Inquiries Act 2005 that may concern the information and override standard retention. 

Your information rights 

Your information rights for this service are set out below. Please use this link for more information on how to access to your personal information.  

For rectification, erasure, restriction or objection to your personal information, contact us by email at: 

Please use this link to find out how we process your information. This includes contact details for the Data Protection Officer and if you have a complaint about your information rights. 

You may also be interested in Our customer privacy notice 

This video explains why we collect your information.



Please tick here to show you are happy for us to collect your responses.